Pitch Me


Friday, January 29, 2010

Thumbs Down Thursday

Made you look didn't I ;) 

Okay 'Thumbs Down Thursday' is gonna be the one day a week I give a THUMBS DOWN to the one thing this week that has bothered me the most & after today I am going to try to move forward from it (yes I know I'm a day late, but school got in the way last night).

My 'THUMBS DOWN' for Thursday this week would be "sleep deprivation from breastfeeding!"

While I believe breastfeeding is the best thing for children, I do believe know that there are many downfalls to it as well. Let me give you a list below:

  1. Breastmilk is digest faster than formula, therefore causing a breastfed baby to want to nurse more often.
  2. Most *strangers (ie. people who you are not related to or are not friends with) feel quite very uncomfortable around you when you are nursing, even when you're covered!
  3. Breastfed babies are more attached clingy than formula-bottle fed babies (well at least mine was).
  4. Breastfed babies like to you use as a way to calm pacify themselves.
  5. It takes forever (plus a lot of pain from engorged breasts) to wean a child off of the breast, therefore resulting in more sleep deprivation night of the living dead episodes.
While this may seem like I am making 'light' of the subject I am very serious!

With 3 children, full time school, nursing, & caring for a house....DOES NOT make for a very happy mommy!

Okay comment time did you or do you nurse? Even if you enjoyed it very much what was the one thing (& don't tell me there was not one thing) that bothered you or annoyed you the most about breastfeeding/nursing? Would you change your nursing experience because of that one thing? Why or why not?

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