Pitch Me


Friday, January 15, 2010

One of the many lonely struggles of being a single mommy!

Okay so I knew that when I left my husband it was going to be hard, especially with 3 kids, but I think I underestimated just how hard. Let me start over,  I was single long before I left him a little over a month ago considering I have always gotten up with the kids since the day they were all born.

My youngest was sick this past week with something awful: fever, no appetite, sleeplessness, cranky, diaper rash, & ear problems. Ugh! As if that wasn't enough to send any mother screaming, I have school & I'm up until at least midnight every night then up again the next morning by 6am. 

Gee, doesn't that sound just delightful ;)

Okay I'm done moping now. Anyways when I was still with my husband (albeit that was only a little over a month ago) I was a single mother for several years before that. 

You know what though, I would have loved  (actually still do) to just once when a child is sick NOT have to get up with them & get a full nights sleep. Really, its not that I don't love each one of my children more than I could ever explain, its just I haven't had a full nights sleep in over 5 years now. When I planned on having children I NEVER planned on doing it all by myself! *What single mother does, right?!

He's breastfed & will be 10 months tomorrow so he would wake up at least 1 time a night to nurse, normally. This past week from Tuesday until last night Thursday I was awakened at least 6 times from midnight until 6am, AHHH! That is so insane that I can not even believe that I functioned the next day for a utter lack of rest. 

I know they say a mother can stretch on when her children need her, but isn't it also true that I too need to be at my ultimate level so I can be the best mother for my children. 

I've thought of trying to start an organized play group for some stay at home mommies in my area (its a REALLY small town) so that we could get to know one another, get out of the house, & just get a break. *You know when you put kids together its easier to focus on something else, well at least when their not siblings, lol!

So my lonely struggle for this week as a single mommy was actually one that I had been handling all along, just hadn't noticed. 



  1. I hope you can get a group off the ground, it will be healthier for both the mommies and the lil ones too. Being in a smaller town can make you feel so isolated at times. And sleep deprivation is just bad all around! Try to up your water intake during the day and be sure to try vitamin C supplements during this time. If you are sleep deprived you need to boost your immune system until you can re-regulate your sleep schedule!

    Thank you for your visit and lovely comments on my blog!

    See you are not alone, you have a virtual family at MBC who will always be here for you! :)

  2. I give you a lot of credit. I am not a single mom, but just being a mom is hard and exhausting. I admire your strength and perseverance and I am sure that your children adore and appreciate you.

  3. I'm sure you are doing a great job! I have one child, a four month old, and am exhausted! You have a lot of strength and endurance!

  4. New follower!
    You are such an awesome mom! Seriously.

  5. Welcome to the Friends Following Friends Club, Katrina.

  6. My heart goes out to you reading this and if I lived in your town I would run over and watch your kids so you could sleep. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself because I am positive that you are doing the best you can considering the lack of sleep. The playgroup seems like an awesome idea and I suggest that you do do it. I belong to a couple in my area and I also do a two bible studies a week and that helps with getting a break.

    Following from MBC : ) And I will keep you in my prayers.

  7. Don't be too hard on yourself, chin up! I am going to follow you on your blog, come follow me on my flight! Maybe you'll find some inspiration! I'll be reading all about you!
    GREAT blog!

  8. Hey, love the layout of the blog! Following from MBC and thought Id check it out. I'm just getting started but come follow me back if you have time!


  9. I know, I know. I was a single mom for years, even though I was married. I went years without getting a full night's sleep and got up throughout the night anytime any kid got sick. If we lived in the same small town, I would love to help you out. Playgroups are fun, and it would be awesome to get some time with other moms. Interestingly, I used to live in Lexington County, SC. I'm a new follower via MBC, looking forward to getting to know you. :^)

  10. You are doing amazing! ...and your kids will always remember and cherish you for it!

    Stopping by from MBC and now following you :)
    Stefanie http://pediatricsafety.net

  11. Keep your chin up! Things will get better. I know, I have been there and done that.

  12. awww, I was a single momma for a few years. It is so hard but...you will make it through. Hugs to you!

    stopping by from mbc
